Monday, July 4, 2011

Home » Music Making » Fame or Faithfulness; Which Should be Prioritized? Fame or Faithfulness; Which Should be Prioritized?

This write up discusses the advantages and disadvantages associated in prioritizing fame over faithfulness or faithfulness over fame. It asserts that there are two unequal parallels in that a balance cannot be struck.Hence, the onus is on the individual to state the one that should be given priority at the expense of the other.

Fame and faithfulness are virtues mankind appreciate. As a matter of fact, most peoples of the world would desire they have both virtues and more importantly, strike an even balance between them. However, this feat is practically impossible as the terms ‘fame’ and ‘faithfulness’ are described as ‘two unequal parallels’. The big question is ‘should faithfulness be prioritized over fame or should fame be prioritized over faithfulness?’

Of course, fame exposes people to the world. Many celebrities become influential world figures, courtesy of fame. No doubt, fame brings to the spotlight an array of ‘diligent’ individuals who wish to be famous and favours such as financial favours, contract-based offers form leading firms from every nook and canny of the world, admiration by people, all kinds of glamour, built reputation, audience, followership and other recognized attachments are drawn to them. On the other hand, faithfulness apparently keeps people away from the corridors of worldwide recognition. Moreover, it is a virtue that seem to keep people in the dark and make them become spectators ton those who make the news.

Nonetheless, being in the spotlight blindfolds people from certain facts. Many individuals who became famous would initially have the rationale of having more time to themselves, exercise freedom and privacy only to realize the reverse becomes the case. No wonder a cynic once remarked; ‘a celebrity is a displayed or showcased public property whose longevity of service is dependent on the level of concurrence and appreciation who are interested. Many celebrities have no privacy at all; most times, they are always moving from place to place without necessarily creating time to cool off. Many of them fall victims of drug addiction, alcoholism, drug peddling and trafficking and other forms of moral decadence, no thanks to the absence of faithfulness. In fact, many celebrity marriages hit the rocks because of the very absence of faithfulness. On the other hand, people, whose falls under the watchful eyes of faithfulness have a completely different story to tell. This security precludes them form the servitude of drug and alcohol addiction, drug trafficking and sustains their marriages. More importantly, faithful people are interestingly the bedrock of the famous; they contrite immensely, though behind the scene of the news making or at the background, towards the steady rise to fame of those who are poised to accomplish this feat. John Wesley, founder of the great Methodist Church Movement, was very famous during his day courtesy of the steady moral upbringing and unwavering support of his mother.

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