Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why We No Longer Read Books

A Worth Considering Proposal

Through the strength of intellectual effort backed with the God factor, it is of immense pleasure to annunciate to the world a come-to-stay interest, the classic, titled ‘Why We No Longer Read Books'. No doubt, it is certainly a benefit-yielding interest for all and sundry.

Why We No Longer Read Books is a rare-to-find masterpiece that sheds light on reasons book-reading culture has declined over the years. It asserts the fact that book-reading culture decline is not only limited to the black race, a contradiction of the notions of many peoples of the world. However, it maintains a stance that book reading in the form of acquired qualitative information is the bedrock behind man's witty inventions, wealth and other virtues of benefit to humanity.

It is a three-chapter work piece that unveils three major reasons book-reading culture has undoubtedly experienced a fall, irrespective of race. The following reasons which constitute the chapters of the readable material are listed below:

(A) Chapter one points a reason for the decline in most people's attitude towards book reading as the failure on the part of parents to properly inculcate the culture or habit of book reading in the growing years of their children or wards. Unarguably, the interest asserts that the foundation of book-reading culture begins from the home front and parents play a pivotal role in ‘enforcing' the act on their children. Hence, the incompetence of parents to discipline their wards in the light of reading quality books is what the classic states as one of the reasons people no longer read books.

(B) Chapter two unequivocally recognizes the fact that one of the major reasons people no longer read books as they use to is the thirst or craze for material, wealth or money acquisition. It unveils the verity that people have prioritize acquiring wealth and money over book reading, perhaps owing to changing and increasing demands of the world. Why We No Longer Read Books sees this factor as one of the reasons behind people's seeming non-chalant attitude towards book reading. Interestingly, it brings to cognizance the role of reading books as the bedrock behind all forms of wealth and material acquisition.

(C) Chapter three states irrefutably that another reason behind people not reading books especially amongst growing youths is the preference of academic/educational pursuit over the fundamentally important book-reading culture. Not bad per se the pursuit of academic or educational goals, the write-up observes factually that most institutes of higher learning impose seemingly insurmountable workloads that make students ‘abandon' book reading for the pursuit of their imminent academic accomplishments. Yet, the truth-unveiling classic explains the uniqueness of education or academics as being deeply rooted in book reading.

Interestingly, Why We No Longer Read Books concludes, following the Shakespearian assertion: ‘If you are not informed, you are deformed', that one of the factors, distinguishing an individual at present and in future is the quality of books read.

The target audience is the youth and it is very marketable in book stores, as an educational material and a home package. Also, libraries and other education-supporting outfits can find this classic very useful. Therefore your assistance towards the publication of this great work will be appreciated. Without a doubt, profitability and world fame await you.

In the pursuit of life, peace and liberty we stand and in God we trust.

Your Author





About the book
Why We No Longer Read Books is a rare-to-find masterpiece that sheds light on reasons book-reading culture has declined over the years. It asserts the fact that book-reading culture decline is not only limited to the black race, a contradiction of the notions of many peoples of the world. However, it maintains a stance that book reading in the form of acquired qualitative information is the bedrock behind man's witty inventions, wealth and other virtues of benefit to humanity.

Interestingly, Why We No Longer Read Books concludes, following the Shakespearean assertion: 'If you are not informed, you are deformed', that one of the factors, distinguishing an individual at present and in future is the quality of books read.

The target audience is the youth and it is very marketable in book stores, as an educational material and a home package. Also, libraries and other education-supporting outfits can find this classic very useful. Therefore your assistance towards the publication of this great work will be appreciated. Without a doubt, profitability and world fame await you.

To get this book, follow the link
'Disappearance of Book Reading in Children, Growing Youths and Young Adults in Africa and Other Parts of The World'

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